Road Freight

Delivering the goods by road is the most convenient and easy way of transporting goods across the destinations. The cost of transportation is lower as compared to other formats of the freight and logistics. Most of the freight forwarders prefer to transport local goods through road transportation and logistics as they would cost them the least.

The freight forwarding companies mostly prefer to deliver goods by road through containers and such other available choices which have to be of good quality in-order to ensure the safety and security of the deliverables. TelexMove ensures its customers of the best quality services in the freight and logistics being the best freight forwarders in the town as a major freight forwarding company. TelexMove takes the pride to offer the services to its clients with complete confidence as a freight forwarding company which they can trust by all means.

FTL/LTL services from Europe, Baltic’s, Scandinavia to Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Moldova, Central Asia, Pakistan, Specialized in Pak-Agfhan Transit Services Intermodal services.

  • Oversized cargo services
  • ADR Deliveries
  • Air Cargo Road Feeder Services

Looking for an excelent business solution ?

TelexMove is an integrated end to end logistics and air cargo solutions provider based in Pakistan, since its inception in 2012.